About Me(:

My name is Sky. I am a very bored little girl.(: Haha I am fifteen and I live in Colorado. My friends are the most important things in my life, and they keep me going. I have way too many to count, but some of the biggest ones: Michaela, Alicia, Priya, Meghann, Mandee, Isi, Kaylee, Emily, Casey, Sadie, Caitlyn, Nicki, Rachael, Orry…Oh yeah and there’s so many more! My number one BFFL ever is Mandee. She and I have been there for each other through absolutely everything, and she’s definitely my go to girl.
At this time in my life, there’s this boy that I am completely crazy about. Love is a scary thing to me, because I have been heart broken once already, and it’s the worst, scariest thing to go through. But this guy got me through that, and it didn’t take me long to realize that everything about him is absolutely perfect and he’s all I need.(: He’s so amazing.
Um. Hmm…My favorite color is lime green.(: I love Jack Johnson, Lady Gaga, Avril Lavigne, and Nicki Minaj. They are the best singers. Ever. Blink 182 is pretty legit as well. Oh yess. I like to write. It’s my favorite. I have a binder filled entirely with poems I’ve written, some about that one boy, but most about the time I went through A LOT of crap.
My family and I don’t get along the best. My brother is 10, but already he’s had a pretty hard life. He has asthma, and has been in the hospital in a drug induced coma for it. My daddy works really hard to support our family. He’s a plumber. He’s the best ever even though he comes down on me pretty hard sometimes. :/ My momma and I have some good times together, even though we fight alot. But when we’re getting along, we have the best fun! She’s awesome. I love them.
So that’s pretty much it! Yep. Happy Christmas.(: