He Is We(:

Mmmm My Favorite<3

Awkward Faces.?

So lately I've been noticing that there are alot of people who are just awkward as hell. Even without trying, they just make really awkward faces at the worst times. Haha(: In the past week, I've got alot of these in pictures:
This is Joey. He's in my Geography class, and the most awkward kid I know.
He wears that same sweatshirt everyday.

And of course it's just impossible for Preston to make a normal face during a picture...(:

What I LOVE About Tucker((:

1. He likes to watch TV.
2. He likes to lay ON TOP of Freddy, who's half his size(:
 3. He always looks confused.
4. He's always up for a nap.
5. He loves the snow, even though he's an Arizona boy.
6. He wraps himself in blankets, and plays PeekaBoo.
7. He waits at the top of the stairs for the kitties to come out.
8. He sleeps in bean bag chairs,
 9. and blends in with the winter.
10. He'll play video games with you,
11. and he always looks DAMN adorable <33

I Admire the Unique(:

I believe that some of the most beautiful, wonderful people in this world are the weirdest. The ones that have the most unique view on the world live their lives to the fullest, without question. The girls and guys who walk around like they're all that, like everything's just perfect and wonderful all the time...the popular ones, the fake ones, the backstabbing ones...are the ones who's lives are boring and live the same routine day to day. Its the unique and different people, the far out there ones, that have the most colorful and exciting lives. Because they're the people who take the chances, believe when everything's crumbling down around them, pray when they're in the worst situations, and laugh when there's nothing to laugh at. I guess to me, the most beautiful people are the ones who've lived, who see it all in a different light. <3


Isn't it sad how yu spend all that time coloring Easter eggs,

Just to break them and eat them all.?!(:


These quotes are my favorite(: <3 Cuz they're the best.

Love Starts with a Smile, Grows with a Kiss, and Ends with a Tear. 

At times the world can seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe us when we say that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough. And what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may, in fact, be the first steps of a journey. (Series of Unfortunate Events)

Don't make someone your everything. Because they'll leave, and then you have nothing. (Mandee)

Girls are totally weird. They start caring for those who show even the slightest care for them.They become attached to people easily. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are sad. They become addicted to jerks who don't even know that the smile she's putting on in front of them is just a mask to hide her shattered soul. 

I read alot of books not because I like to read, but because I like the plot line more than I like my own.

She's a good girl, loves her momma. Loves Jesus, and America too. She's a good girl, crazy about Elvis. Loves horses, and her boyfriend too. (Free Fallin')

In every girl's life there will always be those three guys: the one she loves, the one she hates, and the one she can't get enough of. And in the end, they're all the same guy. 

You can never really get over some one because after you fall in love with them, they will always be a part of you, the best part. 

Sometimes you think you've gotten over a person, but when you see him smile, you suddenly realize you're just pretending you're over him to ease the pain of knowing he will never be yours.

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.


I am a different person then I used to be. And I think I've made this point clear multiple times. I'm not the goody two shoes I used to be, the quiet girl that got straight A's. I'm working on finding myself. And if that means dropping friends and picking new ones along the way, then so be it. I may not make the best choices getting there, but so what? Maybe those experiences can help me make better ones later on.
I'm just a new and better. Me.
I'm sorry if it's not good enough for you(:

But the two people I know I can count on to make things better are Peter and Mandee. And in reality, in the end, they're all I need. I love them so much, and I neeed them. Those two...I couldn't put up with losing them. I would probably die.
But that's really all I need. My best friend, and my "boyfriend"(: